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The Gift of College ‘2020 Paying for College Survey’ gives a clear-eyed perspective on the student debt crisis that is weighing down Americans of all ages. The data is resounding: student loans are causing emotional distress and interfering with other financial goals. And with many respondents u...
At Gift of College, we work tirelessly to help Americans achieve financial freedom - whether that be through student loan debt repayment, 529 college savings, or 529 ABLE savings and the Gift of Independence. We believe that access to tools such as 529 tax-advantaged savings accounts in the workplac...
In May, Gift of College spearheaded the ‘2020 Paying for College Survey’. An in-depth look at how Americans navigate the student loan debt crisis and the college savings journey, the survey revealed key insights about employees’ hopes and expectations for financing education through the workplace. ...
Gift of College has an ambitious vision: a future where every young person has access to higher education, without the burden of student loan debt weighing them down for decades to come. In pursuit of this vision, we seek out innovators and employers who are ready to link arms and further strengthen...
While we are facing unique and unprecedented times, with many graduations now occurring remotely, and many in-person festivities being postponed – a graduate’s accomplishments are still so important to celebrate, and every graduate deserves to shine. Plus, the loved ones in a student’s life will we...
(Phoenix, March 4, 2019) – Gift of College, Inc. ( is joining a national effort to take on the student debt problem in a national campaign launching March 4. The aim of the campaign , led by the 529 College Savings Plans Network, is to limit college debt for new generations by hel...
Gift of College, Inc. (, the country’s fastest growing college savings gifting platform, announced the launch of its Gift of College gift cards at select retail stores. Just in time for holiday shopping and available year-round thereafter, shoppers will be able to purchase a sure-... Prepares for Expanded Retail Footprint this Fall Adds board member, key staff, and national 529 partner (Phoenix, August 15, 2018) - Gift of College, Inc. ( ) announces the appointment of a new member of its board as well as two additional senior management staff....