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Honoring the 30th Anniversary of the ADA and Raising Our Voices In Support of the ABLE Age Adjustment Act

Friday, July 24, 2020

At Gift of College, we work tirelessly to help Americans achieve financial freedom - whether that be through student loan debt repayment, 529 college savings, or 529 ABLE savings and the Gift of Independence. We believe that access to tools such as 529 tax-advantaged savings accounts in the workplace are a crucial aspect of this journey to financial freedom. We also believe that friends, family and employers can play a vital role in helping individuals build independence by contributing to their savings goals.

As we honor the 30th anniversary of the passage of the Americans with Disabilities Act, Gift of College is proud to join the call on Congress to expand access to 529 ABLE accounts to millions more Americans -- opening up many new routes to financial independence.


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